• OSIRISRISING We are a registered Non profit Company Enterprise Number: K2016193254
    Enterprise Name: OSIRISRISING. Public Benefit Organisation 930059407
  • Income tax number 9615608172
  • We are an independent organisation operating as
  • The Vajra Solar Centre

  • We are only indirectly affiliated  with the Heartscenter in the USA - as we have permission to use their Material
  • Osiris Rising Official Mission, Vision and Values Declaration

    Osiris Rising is part of  an International Community focusing its activity in South Africa for Africa.

  • Leadership

  • osirisrising.ralph@gmail.com Ralph Raaths

  • aniela.nomthetho@gmail.com Aniela Raaths

  • stmariadegloria@gmail.com Analinah Dele-Hoffmann

  • vandenbergelara@gmail.com  Lara van den Berge

  • andrewraaths@gmail.com Andrew Raaths

  • dianaharmse@gmail.com  Diana Harmse

  • Our Mission:

  • Within our Hearts Center Community, we realize personal enlightenment through our Higher Self and share the ascended masters' teachings and our love-wisdom throughout the Earth.

    Our Vision:

  • We live in sustainable Golden-Crystal Age communities in joy and in harmony with Mother Nature, using solar sciences of the Spirit. We radiate light, and we live and love as one. 

     We, the lightbearers of The Hearts Center, joyfully unite to continue the spiritual work of the ages through daily and ongoing revelation from the ascended masters as given to their anointed messengers. 

    Reaching out to serve all life, we dedicate our hearts to world freedom and to bringing forth the plans of beloved Saint Germain and Portia for the Golden Age of Aquarius—a time of peace, harmony, joy and beauty. 

    Vibrant Spiritual Community 

     Hearts Centers are vibrant communities of joyous companionship and love. Filled with the presence of the Holy Spirit, these centers around the globe are places where the sacred fire is invoked to transform our lives and our planet. 

     We welcome all seekers of truth, honoring their talents and religious backgrounds as we offer spiritual practices, educational programs and community fellowship to enhance their growth in the study of the deeper mystical teachings of the world’s major religions. Our hand of heartfelt friendship is extended to one and all. 

     We live by the Golden Rule and respect the right of each individual to decide his or her rate of spiritual progress. We champion the freedom of each individual to make independent, informed political and social choices. 

     Learning to live with one another in harmony, with compassionate wisdom and surrender to the will of God, we humbly offer any gifts or training that we possess for the benefit of all. 

     We speak and serve with kindness and charity. Regardless of age, culture, station in life, or financial standing, we uphold the divinity within one another so that a golden age may swiftly come. 

    A Golden Age of Aquarius

     We are committed to a renaissance of beauty and culture that transforms lives, moving Earth closer to the original divine blueprint by making the gold mine of ascended master teachings readily available through all media and technology, as well as conferences, pilgrimages, healing seminars and heartstreaming sessions held the world around. 

     We support golden age concepts of economics and energy utilization. To this end, we encourage such practices as yoga, tai chi, qigong, foot zonology, holistic medicine and the mindful eating of healthy foods. We understand the importance of cooperating with the ecology of this planet, for our physical and spiritual health are one with it. 

     Meru University

    In collaboration with heavenly masters, angels, and nature spirits, we are assisted in achieving ever-increasing intimate communion with God. We practice spiritual sciences such as meditation, prayer, mantras, visualization, songs and rituals to heighten our attunement and to bless all of life. And we experience sacred darshan with the ascended masters.

  • Prayer and Meditation

    We further believe that the harmony we embody occurs through attunement with our individualized Divine Presence as we maintain a state of listening grace.

    Meru University is dedicated to the dissemination of ageless wisdom and progressive revelation through courses, seminars, workshops, publications and projects. 
    It assists all seekers in understanding the ancient and modern teachings of East and West brought to life by commentary from the ascended masters. Our courses are an open door for our students to walk and talk with the ascended masters daily, preparing each learner to become a spiritual leader, teacher and ambassador of divine love-wisdom to the world. 

    The Violet Flame Alchemy 

    The Hearts Center promotes the mission of Saint Germain, avatar of the Age of Aquarius, and his teachings on sacred alchemy for the uplifting of ourselves and our planet. Through the violet flame, his energetic gift of spiritual transmutation, we witness the power of forgiveness, mercy and freedom. By study and day-to-day application of this flame, an aspect of the Holy Spirit, we aspire to self-transformation, which, in turn, transforms the world. 

    Connecting to Heaven with Ascended Masters

    At Hearts Centers, heaven touches earth and hearts connect the world around. Our beloved masters engage with us in holy exchanges of love-wisdom fires, and our cup overflows with gratitude as we live in the reality of this cosmic interchange. Our greatest joy and deepest desire is to share this elixir with all who seek spiritual freedom. 

    Love-Wisdom-Power is the threefold flame of The Vajra Solar Centre


  • Ralph Douwe Raaths        

Osiris Rising

Cape Town, South Africa.

Somerset West


Phone: +27(0)798811802

Email : osirisrising.ralph@gmail.com